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Penza Communists celebrate October Revolution’s 98th anniversary with march, public rally

14:29 | 07.11.2015 | Society


Penza, 7 November 2015. PenzaNews. Several hundreds people took part in the march and the public rally dedicated to the 98th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution that took place in Penza on Saturday, November 7.

Penza Communists celebrate October Revolution’s 98th anniversary with march, public rally

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Members and supporters of the Communist Party, including those who arrived from areas of the Penza region specifically to take part in the event, have gathered on Fontannaya square approximately one hour before its beginning, their festive mood supported by sunny weather and a brass orchestra performing Soviet music.

At 10.30, the people lined up in a single column and began marching up along Moskovskaya street accompanied by the orchestra.

Many passers-by stopped at the sight of the column and waved at the people with smiles. In return, the Communist Party members and supporters congratulated them with the notable date through loudspeakers and chanted “Hooray!”

The column reached Sovetskaya square, where they held a public rally.

The first to speak to the masses was Gennady Demidov, Distinguished Doctor of the CIS, who reminded them of the poor performance of the regional healthcare system and called for the governor Ivan Belozertsev to “stop this mayhem.”

He was followed by Vladimir Simagin, State Duma deputy for the Penza region, who stressed the fact that the festivities attracted great interest from the citizens of the region.

“We haven’t had that many people in a long while. And I want to see that this celebration sees you off with a great mood, charged for the whole year to come. Heads up, shoulders wide! Today is our celebration! Today is the Great October!” he stressed.

Vladimir Simagin also addressed the working pension-age elderly people and told them there will be no readjustment of pensions in the upcoming year for them.

“And the pensions for other elderly people will grow only by 4%. Even though the law states it must be equal to the inflation, 12%. The law draft introduced by our faction offers to make pensions no less than 50% of the regional minimum living wage,” he emphasized.

Dmitry Filyaev, first secretary of the CPRF city committee, elicited a powerful reaction from the masses with his engaging speech.

According to him, the country’s situation did not change for the better over the last few years.

“The group that grabbed the power in 1991 is still in the top. They are doing everything to stuff their pockets even more and get into our pockets even deeper,” he said.

Dmitry Filyaev also addressed a question to the local authorities on them being unable to provide free meals to school children and free milk in educational institutions.

Another speaker at the public rally was Nina Pronina, activist and representative of former residents of dilapidated buildings in the Zavodskoy neighborhood of Penza.

“They moved us to Zarya agricultural zone: it’s obvious there isn’t a bit of care for our interests in this decision. We think the reason behind this move is that some investor needed our land. The officials don’t find us worthy of giving even slightly decent explanation. All our questions are answered with mockingly formal boilerplate replies,” she said.

Nina Pronina also stated that the people she represents see no justice in the current situation and have no intention to move from the city to the new residential area that at the moment is still new and lacking the infrastructure.

Georgy Kamnev, first secretary of the CPRF regional committee, deputy of Penza region Legislative Assembly, also received a warm reaction during his speech.

He stressed that Russia currently shows great income inequality.

“Presently, 100 people personally hold 35% of the nation’s wealth. […] Where is justice here? There is no justice in this! The whole state machine – the government, the Ministry of the Interior, the rest – work to preserve the status quo. Anyone who opens their mouth faces a gag and pursuit,” said the leader of the Penza Communist Party committee.

Georgy Kamnev also reminded the masses about the incident over laying flowers to the Lenin monument that brought legal charges against party activists.

He also stressed the fact that the Penza Communists do not observe the holiday of National Unity Day and do not consider it a day of festivities.

“Here’s the people now – all of us: we are united in our demands for social justice. But we do not want to be united with these 0.2% who own all the wealth now. […] How can we be one with them, with those who destroy the healthcare? Those who destroy education? Can we be one with them? Those who are sending money abroad, to the United States, while pulling wool over our eyes? Can we be united with them?” Georgy Kamnev questioned, eliciting negative replies after each ‘can we.’

Following his speech, the party activists read out the resolution for the public rally. Among other points, the document stated that only socialism “is able to guarantee worthy life and all-around education for each worker.”

The protesters demanded to stop oversight free building practices, including in the so-called “red line” zone; restore order to the communal sphere and bring charges upon the officials responsible for the downfall of the communal field; rework the city transportation system through creation of a municipal event; remove the Beloczechs monument in Penza; and create real employment assistance for the youth.

Other demands included in the documents were related to passing the regional law “On Children of War” and cutting down communal bills by 50%.

The resolution was supported unanimously. Following its approval, all public rally participants were invited to the field kitchen for cooked porridge and hot tea.

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