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Fur game numbers grow in Penza region, say zoologists

11:37 | 07.11.2015 | Society


Penza, 7 November 2015. PenzaNews. The head count of fur game in Penza region state reserves has grown compared to 2014, say the results of the autumn head count.

In particular, there are three more beaver lodges more than a year ago, nine more muskrat dens, and three times more habitats of Russian desman, threatened animal species that are included in the Red Data Book. In addition, zoologists say there are six more badgers in the region.

While the state wildlife reserves in Zemetchino, Nizhny Lomov and Sosnovoborsk say no changes in fur game headcount, the trend in Lomov and Belinsky reserves show promises of population growth.

“The head count spanned over 14 water bodies for a total distance of 80 km. The number of beaver settlements was forecast based on signs of beaver presence – huts, food silos, cut trees, paths and other,” the Penza region Ministry of Forestry commented for PenzaNews agency.

Such head counts are annual and bear great importance in estimating all ebbs and flows in numbers of animals in the region, they stressed.

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