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Penza city administration reviews 14 student-made Sura embankment improvement projects

16:38 | 11.12.2015 | Society


Penza, 11 December 2015. PenzaNews. The Penza city administration has held a discussion for 14 improvement projects of the Sura river embankment on Friday, December 11. They were designed by the students of the Penza State University of Architecture and Construction.

All projects were made during a contest.

Among the officials who took part in the discussion were the acting mayor Sergei Volkov, his first assistant Vladimir Popkov, the head of Urban Planning and Architecture Department Olga Maximova, deputy head of Culture Department Mikhail Kudimov, local lore researcher, heraldry and symbolism expert Igor Shishkin, as well as representatives of the city architectural and urban planning community – Yuri Shlyakhin, Marat Kaskeev and Lev Khodos.

They highlighted the fact that several suggestions and ideas included in the projects by students can be used in further development of the embankment improvement concept.

One of the suggestions voiced during the meeting advised to hold an exhibition in the Penza city hall for the projects, to facilitate public discussion.

Another proposal was dedicated to holding a vote for the best ideas, including with participation of exhibition visitors.

In conclusion, Sergei Volkov ordered the relevant officials to review a potential for rewarding the designers of reviewed projects, says the press service of the Penza city administration.

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