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Penza mayor thinks is time to prepare city for next heating season

13:19 | 09.02.2016 | Society


Penza, 9 February 2016. PenzaNews. The Penza city must be taking the measures to ensure accident-free 2016-2017 winter heating season as early as now, proposed the city administration head Victor Kuvaytsev during the meeting session with heads of heating supply organizations held on Tuesday, February 9.

Penza mayor thinks is time to prepare city for next heating season

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During the meeting, Alexander Suslov, director of the Penza branch for “T Plus,” gave a report on the current heating supply situation.

According to him, the minor leaks that occur are getting repaired in accordance with the schedule.

The repair sites must be tidied up as soon as the weather allows that, Victor Kuvaytsev noted.

“In April, we must begin repairing the asphalt in the areas excavated during the winter for heating pipeline repairs,” he stressed.

Further into the meeting, Inna Sinyukova, director of “Teplosnabzhenie Goroda Penzy,” reported on the measures to reduce debt to heating supply organizations.

She also announced that the communal services companies currently have a debt of 111 million rubles to the enterprise.

In turn, the vice mayor Yuri Ilyin reported on the results of meeting with the Penza region Tariff and Energy Saving Department on implementing the two-component tariff system.

Moreover, during the meeting, the parties discussed the financial standing of “Gorvodokanal,” while the enterprise’s general director Alexander Avdeev informed them on the measures taken to reduce the debt to “TNS Energo Penza.”

In conclusion of the meeting, Victor Kuvaytsev outlined the vital objective for the nearest future.

“If we evaluate the current situation in the communal field, the city must begin preparing for the next heating season right now in order not to waste time,” the press service of the Penza city administration quotes the mayor.

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