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65% Penza citizens say Crimea’s reunification with Russia evokes pride, sense of justice

10:25 | 18.03.2016 | Society


Penza, 18 March 2016. PenzaNews. 42.2% of Penza citizens feel proud, and 22.63% feel the sense of justice over the reunification of Crimea with Russia that took place exactly two years ago, on 18 March 2014, says the PenzaNews website poll held on 29 February – 17 March 2016. It received votes of 417 users, including 327 from Penza and the region.

65% Penza citizens say Crimea’s reunification with Russia evokes pride, sense of justice

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At the same time, close to a fifth of the polled (19.27%) said they are not having any big emotions over Crimea’s reunification with Russia.

Also, 6.73% said they are ashamed and disappointed over what had happened two years ago, 5.5% feel outrage, and 3.67% were undecided.

The intergovernmental agreement on reunification of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol with Russia as separate subjects was signed at the St. George Hall of Kremlin on 18 March 2014.

Earlier, nearly 97% of Crimean people expressed their support for reunification with Russia in the 16 March 2014 Crimea referendum about the status of the peninsula territory.

However, Ukraine, the United States and the European Union rejected the results of the referendum and branded the reunification as annexation, an act of forceful unilateral transition of land from the control of one state to another.

The separation of Crimea from Ukraine and its subsequent reunification with Russia came as one of the consequences of the Ukrainian political crisis that had begun in late 2014 and transformed into a coup d’etat in February 2014 that led to illegal ousting of President Victor Yanukovich.

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