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Smart Build 2016 regional research and practical conference scheduled in Penza on June 21

13:30 | 16.06.2016 | Society


Penza, 16 June 2016. PenzaNews. The second regional research and practical conference Smart Build 2016 will be held in the organ room of the Penza regional Philharmonic Hall on Tuesday, June 21.

Smart Build 2016 regional research and practical conference scheduled in Penza on June 21

Photo by “Rostum-Construction Materials” production company

The event will be held by the regional Ministry of Construction together with the production company “Rostum-Construction Materials,” with support from the non-commercial Association of Silicate Producers and the Interregional Association of Design Contractors.

The meeting is dedicated to use of modern materials and development of services required to increase effectiveness of construction, quality of buildings and savings during use.

According to organizers, this year’s conference will be dedicated to amendments introduced into GOST 379-2015 and use of new heat protection normatives, with particular attention to new R&D in roofing, load-bearing and fencing constructions, as well as lesser mechanization tools for interior decorating.

In addition, the practical part of the conference will feature a demonstration of the new Block 8 wall and a Block 5 dividing wall.

Smart Build 2016 will bring together design and construction contractors from Penza and the region, companies in the construction materials market, as well as retailers involved in construction and interior decorating.

The list of speakers will feature experts from Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl, and Belarus.

These include: Pavel Pastushkov, Cand. Sc., member of the construction thermal physics laboratory for the R&D Institute of Construction Physics for the RASSN, with his report “Use of Modern Heat Protection Normatives For Fencing. Examples of Calculations”; and Valery Derkach, assiseant director for the branch of the BelNIIS Institute, with a report “Brickwork Using Large-Scale Tongue-And-Groove Silicate Blocks on Thin-Layer Mortar: Integrity and Deformation Parameters, Specifications for Designing Load-Bearing Walls.”

In addition, the organizers invited Oleg Pirozhenko, head of the marketing department of the Yaroslavl Silicate Brick Factory, who will describe his enterprise’s experience in production and sales of large-scale silicate blocks; Mikhail Kornev, Cand. Sc., director of the non-commercial Association of Silicate Producers, with his report “Amended Edition of GOST 379-2015”; and other speakers.

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