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Mayor of Penza personally congratulates head of PenzaNews on birthday

13:50 | 17.11.2016 | Society


Penza, 17 November 2016. PenzaNews. The head of the Penza administration Victor Kuvaytsev personally congratulated the president of LLC VolgaInterMedia Ivan Malikov on his birthday.

Mayor of Penza personally congratulates head of PenzaNews on birthday

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The mayor thanked him for fruitful cooperation in the presense of the news agency team.

“You are a man of firm civil stand; you are worried about the city and the society. I know that you are always glad when there are turns for the better and you support all initiatives. I heartedly congratulate you on your birthday on behalf of the administration and city residents,” Victor Kuvaytsev said.

He presented Ivan Malikov with a souvenir – two books from the series “Penza. Turning over the pages of the old album”.

“I wish you to be always active, healthy, happy, loved and lucky, I wish that the work would make you happy and that you would be proud of your city,” the mayor emphasized.

At the same time, the head of PenzaNews thanked the head of the Penza administration for his kind attention and for the presented album about the city noting that a book has always been and still is the best present.

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