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Preparations to 355th anniversary of Penza begin

12:18 | 01.02.2018 | Society


Penza, 1 February 2018. PenzaNews. Specialists of the department of culture of Penza started to write a programme of events dedicated to the 355th city anniversary, which will be celebrated on June 12, 2018.

Preparations to 355th anniversary of Penza begin

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It is expected that the main celebrations dedicated to the City Day will be held on this day. The holiday will be opened by a large carnival procession.

Altogether over one hundred of thematic platforms will work.

Thus, in Moskovskaya street for example a festival of creative work and fancywork Kanitel, which will unite over 500 masters from 64 regions, will be held.

One of the platforms will be dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Penza football.

The festival Monastic Fair will be held near the Spassky cathedral under construction, during which residents will have a chance to take part in workshops on gold-work, gingerbread painting, creation of candles and magnets in an Abashevo toy style.

In the evening a light show will be held – pictures and videos on Penza history will be shown on the walls of the cathedral.

Fireworks will be a climax of the celebrations.

As it was reported by the mayor's office press service, public organizations, national autonomies and business representatives are planned to be involved in preparations to the City Day.

Negotiations about guided trips from other regions to Penza to attend events on the 335 anniversary are conducted.

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