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List of participants of Third Summer Bowling Championship among media workers established

10:29 | 14.08.2012 | Sport


Penza, 14 August 2012. PenzaNews. Registration of the participants of the third Summer Bowling Championship among media workers of the Penza region organized by news agency PenzaNews is finished.

List of participants of Third Summer Bowling Championship among media workers established

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Six teams submitted applications for taking part in the competition, which will take place in karting club Shikana on Friday, August 24: broadcasting companies Express, State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Penza, radio station Russkoe Radio, newspapers Penzenskaya Pravda and Pro Gorod and combined team of journalists of regional newspapers.

The general partner of the event is the Penza branch of JSC Rostelecom. Partners of the event are the Penza branch of Sberbank of Russia and the Penza branch of NSS company. The internet service “Penza-Sport” provides information support.

The winners of the tournament will be awarded with valuable gifts, the most productive player will receive a grand prize of the championship, a netbook.

The championship on bowling among employees of mass media of the Penza region was organized for the first time by news agency PenzaNews in 2010. Six teams took part in the competition then, each of which consisted of employees of one edition. The employees of broadcasting companies Nash Dom, Express, Penza, Zarechny, radio stations Dobrie Pesny and newspaper Penzenskaya Prava were among the participants of the tournament.

Following the results of the competition, the first place was taken by Broadcasting Company Nash Dom, they got 763 points, the second place was taken by the team of radio station Dobrie Pesny and the third place was taken by Broadcasting Company Express.

The second summer championship on bowling among the representatives of mass media of the Penza region took place in August 2011. Eight teams took part in it: Russkoe Radio, Masterskaya-TV, Penzenskaya Pravda, GTRK Penza, Broadcasting Company Zarechny, Penza-TV, Stary Val and Broadcasting Company Nash Dom.

The team Russkoe Radio became the winner of the competition, the team Masterskaya-TV took the second place and the team Penzenskaya Pravda took the third place.

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