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Dmitry Pirog: physical education should be engrafted in Russians again

15:40 | 21.11.2013 | Sport


Penza, 21 November 2013. PenzaNews. Working with the youth, we need to focus not on high sport achievements, but on physical education, which is a token of health of the nation. That is the opinion expressed by the Ex-World Boxing Champion of WBO Dmitry Pirog during the round table meeting, devoted to summarizing the results of the project “Children’s sport” organized by the United Russia party and held in Penza on Thursday, November 21.

Dmitry Pirog: physical education should be engrafted in Russians again

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“To be honest, the attention is often drawn to Olympic sports to promote our country. But commonly out of 100 children coming to train only two-three achieve considerable results. So we should focus, first of all, on the physical education,” he said.

Dmitry Pirog reminded everyone that in Soviet times children spent almost all their free time outside, in yards.

“They took a ball and played, and they did not need a coach. They had a lot of motion activity and now they have none of it,” he remarked.

According to the boxer, the generation of the 1990s is far from physical training, and that could affect the future education of their children.

“Many parents were bothered not with morning exercises, but with what should be done for the family to survive. That is why many people of my age do not care about physical education for their families either,” the Internet service “Penza Sport” quotes the athlete.

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