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Valentin Klyachman: Penza sport clubs should become self-accounting

14:08 | 12.03.2014 | Sport


Penza, 12 March 2014. PenzaNews. Support of Penza professional sports clubs from the budget should gradually go by. This opinion was expressed by the chairman of the regional sports committee Valentin Klyachman, who held his first press conference in the new office on Wednesday, March 12.

Valentin Klyachman: Penza sport clubs should become self-accounting

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“Clubs should gradually become self-accounting, rather than feed on the regional budget, on our taxpayers. They should be able to earn money to keep them going themselves,” Valentin Klyachman said.

He added that the team management often “sits awaiting for the godsend in the form of subsidies granted to them.”

“This is wrong,” the Internet service “Penza-Sport” quoted Valentin Klyachman.

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