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All-Russian women's finals of Water Polo Games started in “Burtasy” in Penza

14:52 | 07.07.2014 | Sport


Penza, 7 July 2014. PenzaNews. The finals of water polo competitions among women held at as a part of III Summer Youth Games of Russia, started in sports palace “Burtasy” in Penza on Monday, July 7.

All-Russian women's finals of Water Polo Games started in “Burtasy” in Penza

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In addition to the hosts, the competitions involve teams from seven regions of Russia.

Teams were divided into two subgroups, in which they will play with each other in a round system. Then playoff will take place. The meetings between the teams, which take first and second places, will reveal the winners and the participants of the match for the third place. The same system will be applied to the positions from fifth to eighth.

During the group stage, Penza girls will face teams from Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, the Internet service “Penza-Sport” reported.

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