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First Penza region robofootball tournament planned on December 21

10:39 | 11.12.2014 | Sport


Penza, 11 December 2014. PenzaNews. The first open regional robofootball tournament will be held in the Penza school No. 41 on Sunday, December 21.

First Penza region robofootball tournament planned on December 21

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As of now, over 40 people from 3 to 70 years old wished to take part in the event. One of the teams will represent the teachers of vocational education programs and community colleges.

Before the competition, the teams will show and tell the spectators how they construct and calibrate their robo-footballers.

The best team at the end of the tournament will be awarded a one-of-a-kind cup created by the students of the Youth innovative creativity center (YICC) using high-end equipment.

The event will include a New Year fair and be able to purchase the creations of YICC students.

According to “Penza-Sport” internet portal, the tournament will begin at 10.30 am.

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