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29 February 2012

Branch of children’s polyclinic No6 took place in Penza

29.02.12 15:49 | Society

Solemn opening ceremony of branch of children’s polyclinic No6 of city children’s polyclinics took place in Ladozhskaya street,158 in Penza on Wednesday, February 29.

Ambulance station of general practitioner in Arbekovo becomes training center for physicians

29.02.12 15:30 | Society

The ambulance station of general practitioner №8 in Ladoghskaya Street No 154 will become a training center for specialists working at all similar stations of Penza.

Fake coin found in Penza

29.02.12 12:49 | Incidents

Fake 5 rubles coin with signs of forgery was found by a bank teller at Penza terms of cash on Tuesday, February 28.

67 persons got President’ award in the Penza region

29.02.12 09:39 | Society

Governor Vasily Bochkarev held a meeting with winners of President of Russia award in 2011 and the best students of Penza universities on Tuesday, February 28. The head of the region thanked students for their achievements and teachers and parents’ contribution to education of talented youth.

Snowfall expected till weekend in Penza

29.02.12 09:12 | Society

Snowfall will last till weekend in Penza. Warm weather with heavy snowfall and weak south wind will be in the Penza region till the weekend. Powerful high-cyclone influences the weather in southern Russia and Volga region.

Penza “Caravan” Planning to Double the Number of Retail Network

29.02.12 08:50 | Economy

Strategy and plans of the company in 2012: advertising and marketing director of retail chain “Caravan” Vitaly Vlasov’s answers.

Oil products cause no threats to ecology in Tamala, Russian Railways

29.02.12 08:26 | Society

There are no threats of ecology because of oil products overflow in Tamalinsky area of the Penza region. Two snow-plows directed from station Rtishchevo finished polluted snow gathering. Deputy chief of corporate communications service of Southeast railway Nina Ishutina informe news agency PenzaNews about it.

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