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Industrial production growth in Penza region exceeded average All-Russian indicator in January

13:35 | 01.03.2012 | Economy


Penza, 1 March 2012. PenzaNews. The industrial production index on principal economic activities totaled 106.8% in the Penza region in January 2012 that is above an average Russia index which is 103.8%. “The most essential growth in comparison with January 2011 was the manufacture of cars and the equipment by 92.8%, leather products and footwear by 39.3%, in textile and sewing manufacture by 22.7%, the manufacture of foodstuff by 20.4%, rubber and plastic products by 8%,” informed news agency "PenzaNews" in management of the industry, transport and power system of the Penza region.

Industrial production growth in Penza region exceeded average All-Russian indicator in January

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Besides, manufacture of computer facilities, its parts and accessories, the chemical equipment, trailers-tanks for transportation of oil products, water and other liquids, pumps, compressors, medical products, and also of some foodstuff such as groats, butter, cheeses, meat, granulated sugar and confectionery has increased.

“The volume of shipped goods of the enterprises own manufacture of the region totaled 7.6 billion rubles or 107.6% in January 2012 by corresponding period of the last year, including processing manufactures 5.5 billion rubles or 111.0%,” they specified in the press service.

The greatest relative density of the shipped goods of in-house production, works and services of their total amount is the share of the enterprises which are engaged in production of mechanical engineering and electric equipment, the production of foodstuff and also production, transfer and distribution of the electric power, gas and water.

“For the first month of the year 296.8 million rubles of investments or 110.9% were spent on development of economy and social sphere of the region to the level of January 2011,” said the press service.

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