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1 March 2012

All-Russia symphonic music festival to be held in philharmonic hall in Penza

01.03.12 16:22 | Culture

All-Russia symphonic music festival of will be held in Penza regional philharmonic hall from March 12 till April 17. The director of culture establishment Alexey Lvov-Belov informed about it during the meeting with journalists in the press center of news agency PenzaNews on ...

Large road accident offender condemned

01.03.12 15:48 | Incidents

Zheleznodorozhny district court of Penza delivered guilty verdict to the driver of “MAZ-6303А5” for infringement of traffic regulations which led to pedestrian’s death. According to materials of the court, the driver of the truck, moving on federal line М5 “Ural” towards Penza, around the settlement ...

Vasily Bochkarev in top ten of rating of information openness again

01.03.12 14:55 | Politics

The governor of the Penza region Vasily Bochkarev took 9th place in a rating of information openness of heads of the regions, made by “National Service of Monitoring” together with “Institute of Independent Political Researches” in February, 2012. As news agency “PenzaNews,” reported earlier in ...

Industrial production growth in Penza region exceeded average All-Russian indicator in January

01.03.12 13:35 | Economy

The industrial production index on principal economic activities totaled 106.8% in the Penza region in January 2012 that is above an average Russia index which is 103.8%. “The most essential growth in comparison with January 2011 was the manufacture of cars and the ...

Bekovsky museum of local lore received new exhibits

01.03.12 12:56 | Culture

The new exhibits arrived in the museum of the local lore in the Bekovsky area of the Penza region.

More than 1 thousand people in Penza region received medal “Motherly valor” in February

01.03.12 09:57 | Society

1055 inhabitants of the Penza region are awarded with medals “Motherly Valor” in February, 2012.

Modern digital photoroentgenograph in Zemetchino's CRH

01.03.12 08:34 | Society

The digital small-dose photoroentgenograph arrived in the central hospital of Zemetchinsky area of the Penza region within the bounds of the program “Public health services modernization for 2011-2012 years.”

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