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Bank Kuznetsky increased capital by 12 million rubles

12:38 | 03.01.2015 | Economy


Penza, 3 January 2015. PenzaNews. The regional Penza Bank Kuznetsky has increased its capital by 12 million rubles through equity issue.

“On 30 December 2014, the Penza region department of the Volga-Vyatka main branch of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has registered a report of issue of additional nominal uncertified shares by JSC Bank Kuznetsky through open subscription for a total amount of 6 million rubles, or 600 million shares of 0.01 ruble each,” says the message published on the bank website.

According to it, market price of issued shares reached 0.02 rubles per unit, which means the bank has received a total of 12 million rubles.

Bank Kuznetsky was founded as a limited liability company and registered on October 26, 1990 under register number 609. On January 19, 2012 it was transformed into OJSC Bank Kuznetsky.

OJSC Bank Kuznetsky was included into the register of banks-participants of the system of obligatory insurance of contributions on January 14, 2005 under register number 428. In July 2012, the leading independent national rating agency “Analysis, consultations and marketing” confirmed the “B ++” bank rating with stable outlook.

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