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Mikhail Lisin: No future for Penza region economy without innovations

17:55 | 10.12.2015 | Economy


Penza, 10 December 2015. PenzaNews. The innovation component as the foundation for successful development of Penza region economy became the main topic of discussion within the group “Honest and Effective Economy” during the first regional APF “Action Forum” that took place on Thursday, December 10, announced Mikhail Lisin, head of the working group “Fair and Effective Economy” of the Penza APF branch, chairman of the regional department of “Business Russia.”

Mikhail Lisin: No future for Penza region economy without innovations

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“Innovation economy is our future, and we will not be able to escape it. […] The times are tough, but it is exactly the moment for opportunities that we must use,” he pointed out.

Out of all the suggestions announced during the forum, Mikhail Lisin highlighted the proposal to expand the list of support measures for businessmen and business structures that do work in reality rather than on paper.

In his opinion, making economy export-oriented must become the goal.

“Because our products need to be of high quality and find consumers not just in the region but also abroad,” said the APF activists, adding he sees it as not just industrial goods but also IT technologies and cutting-edge R&D.

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