Swindler stolen 50 million of roubles from state budget wanted in Penza
Penza, 8 February 2012. PenzaNews. Investigating bodies of Investigatory committee of Russia for the Penza region search for a native of Kuznetsk accused for swindle in especially large amount as a member of the organized group.
“From 2005 till 2008 Alexey Shmatko created criminal group including workers of tax departments as members of the group had committed a fraud in especially large amount size by illegal compensation of VAT on the territory of Penza,” informed deputy senior assistant administrator of the Office of Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation for the Penza region on communications with mass-media Maria Orlova.
She specified that about 50 million rubles were stolen from the federal budget.
“Now Alexey Shmatko is in the international wanted list. The preventive punishment for him was changed from cognizance not to leave to imprisonment,” the spokeswoman said.