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8 February 2012

Woman wounded in center of Penza died in hospital

08.02.12 17:17 | Incidents

The resident of Penza who was hospitalized with several knife wounds made by a native of Tajikistan in the center of the city on February 8 died in hospital.

Human resource wealth of region, Vasily Bochkarev

08.02.12 16:43 | Society

The governor of the Penza region Vasily Bochkarev named human resource the main wealth of the region, having underlined that our educational system should be better to develop intellectual mental potential. “The Penza region can develop dynamically with the help of qualified specialists who want to work in the region,” ...

Resident of Penza region awarded state award

08.02.12 12:32 | Society

The liquidator of Chernobyl accident living in Pachelmsky area of the Penza region, Peter Pisarev was awarded medals “For Merits before Fatherland” of the Second Degree.

Swindler stolen 50 million of roubles from state budget wanted in Penza

08.02.12 12:06 | Incidents

Investigating bodies of Investigatory committee of Russia for the Penza region search for a native of Kuznetsk accused for swindle in especially large amount as a member of the organized group.

Penza artist’s Exhibition in Moscow Region

08.02.12 12:00 | Culture

The personal exhibition of Penza artist Nadezhda Kabanova is opened at Art School named after A.S. olubkina in Zaraysk of the Moscow Region.

Former director of BTI convicted of appropriating 1 million rubles in Penza

08.02.12 10:49 | Incidents

Former director of MUP “Bureau of Technical Inventory of Penza city” (MUP BTI) Alexey Nikolaev was found guilty of the abuse of office for appropriating about 1 million rubles.

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