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Woman dies from lightning strike in Tamalinsky area

16:35 | 23.08.2016 | Incidents


Penza, 23 August 2016. PenzaNews. An elderly woman died from a lightning strike in the village Vishnyovoe, Tamalinsky area, the Penza region.

Woman dies from lightning strike in Tamalinsky area

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As the local newspaper “Organizator” reports, during a thunderstorm, the pensioner was talking on the cell phone.

Other details of the tragedy, as well as when exactly the incident occurred, are not specified.

Lightning poses a serious threat to human life. The lesion often occurs in open spaces, as the electric current goes along the shortest path “storm cloud – ground. ”

The victim’s body shows the same pathological changes as under electric shock. The victim loses consciousness, falls, may experience seizures; often breathing and heartbeat stop. “Current tags” are usually visible on the body.

In case of death the reason for the termination of the main functions is sudden cessation of breathing and heartbeat.

According to one data, lightning strike kills 24 thousand people annually, according to other data — 6 thousand.

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