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23 August 2016

Ukrainian citizen sentenced to 4 years in prison for drug trafficking in Penza and Samara

23.08.16 17:04 | Crime

Zheleznodorozhny district court of Penza sentenced the citizen of Ukraine Artem Tishchenko to 4 years of imprisonment with punishment serving in a corrective colony for attempt of drug sale.

Penza “School of Media Law” not to be open in near future

23.08.16 16:58 | Society

The project “School of Media Law,” which was planned for implementation in a public reception of the information-analytical portal “Penza-Online,” will not be launched any time soon, the project creator Alexei Molebnov told PenzaNews on Tuesday, August 23. “Yesterday after we had an emergency [the ...

Woman dies from lightning strike in Tamalinsky area

23.08.16 16:35 | Incidents

An elderly woman died from a lightning strike in the village Vishnyovoe, Tamalinsky area, the Penza region.

Public organization plans opening school and park named after Suvorov

23.08.16 15:13 | Society

Penza regional public organization of internal troops veterans and “Berkut” combatants plans to create Penza park named after Alexander Suvorov, and also open the Suvorov military school, NGO chief executive Oleg Sidorenko told PenzaNews.

“VPenze.ru” unable to execute court decesion; settlement account arrested

23.08.16 13:37 | Society

The bank account of LLC “Vpenza.ru” in JSC Binbank is arrested, the company is unable to comply fully with the decision and rulling of the Arbitration court of the Penza region to pay LLC VolgaInterMedia a total of more than 100 thousand roubles — the ...

Naton Medical Group, Titanmed and MedInzh to launch joint manufacturing of medical products

23.08.16 13:09 | Economy

The project on creation of Russian-Chinese manufacture of medical products will be implemented in high technology park “Rameev” in Penza.

Journalist Vladislav Belyakov leaves “Penzenskaya Pravda”

23.08.16 11:04 | Society

The head of information department of the newspaper «Penzenskaya Pravda” Vladislav Belyakov announced about the completion of his work in the newspaper.

Georgy Kamnev: Average pension in region no less than 18-20 thousand rubles

23.08.16 10:49 | Economy

The Penza region pension minimum should amount to 14,630 rubles, and the average pension — no less than 18-20 thousand rubles a month. This opinion was expressed by the first Secretary of the regional Communist party, Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Penza ...

“Uralsib” responded to problem with car repair of Sergey Kolesnikov

23.08.16 10:28 | Society

“Uralsib” promptly responded via Facebook to the information about the refusal of Penza Toyota official dealer to repair Toyota Land Cruiser Prado car belonging to well-known programmer, technical director of LLC “ERC” Sergei Kolesnikov , without a full payment from the insurance company.

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