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Alexander Gulyakov: Governor’s report shows region’s dynamic development

12:59 | 18.05.2015 | Politics


Penza, 18 May 2015. PenzaNews. Alexander Gulyakov, member of the Penza region Legislative Assembly committee on budget, tax and financial policy, principal of the Penza State University, gave a positive mark to the results of the regional government activities in 2014 based on the report by the governor Vasily Bochkarev.

Alexander Gulyakov: Governor’s report shows region’s dynamic development

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“Today, the governor’s report listed the main figures of economic development of the region. We are developing in a very dynamic fashion – as in industry, so in agriculture. We do well with social services – education, healthcare,” Alexander Gulyakov told PenzaNews agency at the end of the 26th extraordinary session of the Penza region Legislative Assembly held on Monday, May 18.

According to the deputy, some of the still unsolved problems pointed out by the governor in his report are present throughout Russia.

“We do better with them than, say, some other regions,” said the speaker.

Alexander Gulyakov added that “it won’t help to make guesses, but it’s easy to figure out there will be some difficulties during the budget deficit and the drop of ruble.”

“But the main mission is to use this situation to develop our activities and internal potential, especially in import replacement and industry creation,” he stressed.

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