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18 May 2015

Vasily Bochkarev rose 10 lines in Russian regional heads media rating

18.05.15 18:44 | Politics

Vasily Bochkarev, governor of the Penza region, went up 10 places, from 43rd to 33rd, in the media rating compiled by Medialogia in April 2015.

Penza region traffic police inspector suspected of taking bribe

18.05.15 18:29 | Incidents

A traffic police inspector in the Penza region is suspected of taking a bribe of 1,000 rubles from a truck driver.

Penza region resident sentenced to 3 months in penal colony for unpaid fine

18.05.15 17:49 | Incidents

A resident of the Penza region was sentenced to 3 months of imprisonment in a penal colony for failing to pay a criminal fine in time.

Oleg Sharipkov suggested high-ranking officials, people give away souvenirs for charity

18.05.15 17:27 | Society

Oleg Sharipkov, executive director of the Penza local community foundation “Civil Union,” suggested heads of companies, ministries and state bodies to give away any useless souvenirs they have for charity.

Former “Diesel” coach Andrei Sidorenko contender for year’s best Russian SHL coach

18.05.15 16:11 | Sport

The former coach of the Penza hockey club “Diesel” Andrei Sidorenko was included in the list of contenders for the title of the best Supreme Hockey League coach.

Orthodox Book Festival “Patron saints of the Russian land” to be held in Penza

18.05.15 15:55 | Society

The 10th Orthodox Book Festival “Patron saints of the Russian land” will be held in the conference hall of the Penza Lermontov regional library on Saturday, May 23.

637 children born in families with many kids in Penza region since year’s beginning

18.05.15 14:54 | Society

637 children were born in families with three or more kids in the Penza region in April-May 2015.

Lyubov Ruzmanova: No denying Penza region continues to develop

18.05.15 14:15 | Politics

The continuing development of the Penza region described by the governor Vasily Bochkarev during his report on activities in 2014 can be seen with a naked eye, Lyubov Ruzmanova, member of the Penza region Legislative Assembly committee on social policy, director of the Mokshan Agricultural College, commented for PenzaNews on Vasily ...

Nearly 100 people took part in crux procession “Penza for Sobriety!”

18.05.15 14:08 | Society

Nearly 100 people took part in the crux procession “Penza for Sobriety!” dedicated to the day of the Icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice.” The event was held early on Monday, May 18.

Alexander Gulyakov: Governor’s report shows region’s dynamic development

18.05.15 12:59 | Politics

Alexander Gulyakov, member of the Penza region Legislative Assembly committee on budget, tax and financial policy, principal of the Penza State University, gave a positive mark to the results of the regional government activities in 2014 based on the report by the governor ...

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