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Vladimir Simagin glad Ivan Belozertsev, not “carpetbagger” assigned as acting governor

14:33 | 25.05.2015 | Politics


Penza, 25 May 2015. PenzaNews. The State Duma deputy from the Penza region Vladimir Simagin representing the Communist Party faction, a potential gubernatorial candidate from the CPRF, gave a positive mark to the news that Ivan Belozertsev was appointed the acting regional governor.

The State Duma deputy from the Penza region Vladimir Simagin

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“This was actually a decision I expected. Of course it is good he’s not a ‘carpetbagger’: he won’t do any radical steps, and we won’t have any revolutionary changes in our region,” Vladimir Simagin commented for PenzaNews agency on Monday, May 25.

He said he knows Ivan Belozertsev for many years and thinks his appointment would not bring forth any big staff changes in the Penza region government.

“Of course he will be choosing the people that suit him, as anyone would. […] I know Ivan Alexandrovich [Belozertsev] for many years: we’ve been the deputies of the City Duma of the third convocation. Knowing him, I wouldn’t think our region would be swept with some revolutionary staff changes. Of course there will be some, and this is normal, this is natural,” the State Duma deputy added.

According to Vladimir Simagin, Ivan Belozertsev is respected by his colleagues.

“He can keep up the dialogue, you can talk to him, argue with him. I don’t think you [could] expect any foul play or stupid decisions from him: he is not that kind of a person. If you talk with him, you can end up proving yourself right, or instead find out yourself wrong when arguing with him,” the Communist said.

Ivan Belozertsev’s distinguished features are high intellectuality, intelligence, and tact, he said.

However, Vladimir Simagin stressed that the appointment of Ivan Belozertsev as the acting Penza region governor will have no effect on the plans of the Communist Party for the upcoming autumn election.

“We, and I mean our party, will have to oppose Ivan Alexandrovich on the next gubernatorial election. We do not agree with the course, especially one in internal policy, maintained by the United Russia party. […] We have made our decision. We will be fighting for our votes,” the State Duma deputy proclaimed.

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