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Vasily Bochkarev announced closure his LiveJournal account

15:53 | 25.05.2015 | Politics


Penza, 25 May 2015. PenzaNews. Vasily Bochkarev, heading the Penza region since 1998 till May 25, 2015, announced the closure of his personal blogger account in Live Journal due to the termination of the governor's authority.

Vasily Bochkarev announced closure his LiveJournal account

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“My blog has been operating for nearly five years. During this time I have answered to thousands of your questions, dealt with hundreds of complaints and suggestions on the development of the region. I tried to be honest, to answer as quickly as possible, because every online communication is connected to specific people,” he wrote.

Vasily Bochkarev added that he tried being attentive to the requests and strove to offer interesting and sometimes provocative topics for discussions.

“I am glad that we have managed to make the blog a communication platform to discuss the problems and prospects of our region. The famous philosopher Karl Popper said: ‘Dialogue is an achievement of civilization!’ It was a pleasure talking to you. Everything that has been achieved, would be simply impossible without your trust, without your direct participation in the life of the Penza region,” he addressed the readers.

According to the ex-governor, as in previous years, he will continue working actively, openly and honestly, trying to make life more convenient for his fellow citizens.

As PenzaNews agency reported earlier, on May 25, 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed acting governor of the Penza region, the chairman of the Legislative Assembly, Secretary of the regional branch of the United Russia party Ivan Belozertsev due to the end of term of Vasily Bochkarev, who has headed the region since 1998.

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