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Ivan Belozertsev receives “four out of five” in governors’ political survivability rating

11:48 | 26.11.2015 | Politics


Penza, 26 November 2015. PenzaNews. The Penza region governor Ivan Belozertsev received four points out of five in the 16th political survivability rating for heads of Russian regions. The rating was researched by Petersburg Politics foundation and Minchenko Consulting communications holding.

Ivan Belozertsev receives “four out of five” in governors’ political survivability rating

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According to results, the forecast of staff policy in regards to heads of the regions is set on two major trends: decrease of gubernatorial staff approval, and approaching election to the Russian Duma.

Among Ivan Belozertsev’s strong points, the analysts currently highlight him having been elected only recently, and his ability to influence the voter base. However, the experts note the remaining shadow influence of the former governor Vasily Bochkarev who is currently working as a representative of the regional government in the Russian Federation Council.

The political survivability rating is published by Petersburg Politics fund and Minchenko Consulting communications holding since 2007.

Each currently standing head of the region received an five-point evaluation, 5 being the best result and 1 being the worst.

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