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Handbook for justice system professionals published in Penza

08:18 | 18.01.2012 | Society


Penza, 18 January 2012. PenzaNews. A handbook for justice system professionals entitled “Basics of professional writing” was published in the Penza region under the editorial guidance of Head of the Regional Office of the Judicial Department Marina Danevskaya.

“The handbook contains basic rules of Russian literary language, stylistic, lexical, morphological, syntactical, punctuation and orphoepic. Theoretical materials in the edition are followed by the practice part with assignments aimed at improving professional writing skills of justice system professionals,” the press service of the Office of the Judicial Department in the Penza region told news agency PenzaNews.

The handbook was published by the Penza University as part of the project on “Improving the process of professional development and training of justice system personnel in the Penza region.”

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