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More than 800 million rubles for hospitals repair in Penza in 2012

16:01 | 27.01.2012 | Society


Penza, 27 January 2012. PenzaNews. 806 005 thousand rubles are planned to be spend for major repairs of some objects of public health service of the Penza region within the limits of the program of public health services modernization in 2012.

“772.9 million rubles will be spent for 2 396 pieces of medical equipment, such as cardiology, gynecology, neonatology, ambulance stations of the general practitioner equipment. Branches of the emergency help, x-ray and sterilizing branches will be also equipped,” the Minister of health and social development of the Penza region Vladimir Stryuchkov informed.

He noticed that as the result of spent work the number of the doctors again accepted in municipal and official bodies of public health services increased in 2 times and average medical workers — in 1.5 times.

“Medical - obstetrical stations are equipped on 100 % and the salary of doctors increased by 14 %, from 16 214 rubles in 2010 to 18 866 rubles in 2011,” Vladimir Stryuchkov said.

The minister added that following the results of realization of the program of modernization in the Penza region will stabilize demographic situation.

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