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27 January 2012

More than 800 million rubles for hospitals repair in Penza in 2012

27.01.12 16:01 | Society

806 005 thousand rubles are planned to be spend for major repairs of some objects of public health service of the Penza region within the limits of the program of public health services modernization in 2012.

More than 5 million rubles collected for Christmas Temple building in Zarechny

27.01.12 15:20 | Society

Money left by townspeople for building of the temple of Christmas was taken from place from boxes located in shops of Zarechny of the Penza region on Friday, January 27.

Children’s hotline received 8 thousand references in Penza in 2011

27.01.12 14:49 | Society

7 850 references from children and their parents were received through children’s telephone hotline in the Penza region in 2011.

Big hall of Registry Office of Octyabrsky district of Penza opened after restoration

27.01.12 14:34 | Culture

The big hall of territorial Registry Office of Octyabrsky district of Penza opened after 3-month repair on Friday, January 27. Rinat and Alfiya Jakupovy was the first pair officially registered in the repaired building. According to head of Registry Office of the Penza ...

Open winter tournament on flag-football among fans to take place in Penza

27.01.12 13:30 | Sport

The first open winter tournament on flag-football among fans’ teams will take place in a sport complex “Centralny” of Penza on Saturday, February 4.

Female pedestrian survived in road accident of two cars in Penza

27.01.12 11:57 | Incidents

36-year-old woman-pedestrian was injured in a road accident which happened in Okruzhnaya Street of Penza with participation of two cars in the evening on Thursday, January 26.

Locomotive collided with car, two persons lost in Penza region

27.01.12 08:20 | Incidents

Two persons were lost and three ones injured as the result of collision of the locomotive without train with car “VAZ-2106”which happened on 213rd km of stage “Penza — Rtishchevo” the Southeast railway in the evening on Thursday, January 26.

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