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Strong leaders to rule in educational system, Svetlana Kopeshkina

12:15 | 16.02.2012 | Society


Penza, 16 February 2012. PenzaNews. Minister of Education of the Penza region Svetlana Kopeshkina summed up modernization of regional education system and announced main directions of pedagogical staff activity during the board of the department which took taken place at governor lycée for talented children on Thursday, February 16.

Strong leaders to rule in educational system, Svetlana Kopeshkina

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Opening board session the minister presented a report “Maintenance of quality, availability and efficiency of formation in the conditions of modernization of regional education system” and among main advantages of new system of teachers’ wages called standard per capita financing.

Thus she noticed that there are many complaints from teachers who “were not appreciated”.

“It means that not all is told and explained. Criteria should be set at level of the subject and compensatory and stimulating payments are an important part of teacher’s wages. It is necessary to look once again as position about stimulating payments looks. Participation of teachers, children and parents in business projects, work with family and after-curriculum activity and should be supported today by stimulating wages when teacher have many achievements,” said Svetlana Kopeshkina.

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