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16 February 2012

Penza projects apply for reception more than 2.6 billion rubles investments

16.02.12 17:28 | Economy

Seven Penza projects took part in competition of public award “Regions — Sustainable Development”. General prize fund is 23 billion rubles.

Government of Penza region refused to but rescuers’ helicopter

16.02.12 17:24 | Society

The government of the Penza region considered questions on increase in number of search and rescue service with a disposition on the basis of the existing fire brigades located along highway M5 “Ural” and acquisition of the helicopter for operative help to victims in road accident.

Penza “Megafon” subscribers sent more than 4 million SMS on St.Valentines’s day

16.02.12 16:42 | Society

4 150 thousand short text messages that is 30 % more than an average indicator was sent by subscribers of “Megafon” of the Penza region on St. Valentine’s day.

Strong leaders to rule in educational system, Svetlana Kopeshkina

16.02.12 12:15 | Society

Minister of Education of the Penza region Svetlana Kopeshkina summed up modernization of regional education system and announced main directions of pedagogical staff activity during the board of the department which took taken place at governor lycée for talented children on Thursday, February 16.

Two-month child died in road accident in Penza region

16.02.12 12:02 | Incidents

Two-month child died in the road accident which took place on 464 km of a highway “Nizhny Novgorod — Saratov” on the territory of the Penza region on Wednesday, February 15.

Convicts of Penza colony got free lawyers’ consultations of

16.02.12 11:42 | Society

Members of working group on rendering to citizens of the qualified legal aid have spent reception condemned in IK-1 Federal Service of Execution of Punishments of Russia for the Penza region past Wednesday on February 15.

Maria Sittel became mother having many children

16.02.12 10:59 | Society

36-year-old well-known journalist and TV presenter of information program “Vesti” of “Russia 1” channel Maria Sittel who was born and began her career in Penza became mother having many children.

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