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Housing in Penza should become more affordable, Ivan Belozertsev

14:37 | 17.02.2012 | Society


Penza, 17 February 2012. PenzaNews. Housing in Penza should become more affordable and there are some ways to achieve it, such as depreciation of building materials and granting of variety of preferences to diligent builders. Mayor Ivan Belozertsev informed about it during press conference.

Housing in Penza should become more affordable, Ivan Belozertsev

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“In 2011 in the territory of Penza more than 400 thousand sq. meters of habitation was set in operation. It is very good indicator. But the main task is to make habitation affordable for most residents,” said the mayor.

In his opinion, one of variants to solve the problem is decrease in price of building materials at the expense of manufacture organization in territory of the region.

“The second way is free granting of ground areas to those builders who build social habitation. Besides, it is necessary to find possibilities for depreciation of manufacturing of the design-budget documentation,” Ivan Belozertsev explained.

He also reminded the idea offered by governor Vasily Bochkarev two years ago, about gradual repayment of habitation when people rent new apartments, live there, pay utilities and buy habitation by installments.

“While there is no legislation for realization of similar mechanisms, however it is necessary to search for ways of depreciation of habitation,” Ivan Belozertsev summarized.

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