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17 February 2012

16-year-old hockey player who fell into coma during match died in Penza

17.02.12 16:50 | Sport

Sixteen-year old hockey player of “Olympia” from Kirovo-Chepetsk who had been in coma since February 11 in hospital of first aid named after G.A. Zaharin died on Friday, February 17. Grigory Kabelsky, the chairman of the committee of the Penza region on physical training, sports and tourism informed news agency PenzaNews ...

Head of criminal group involving Penza women in prostitution condemned in Saratov

17.02.12 16:23 | Incidents

The judicial board on criminal cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation has left unchanged a sentence of Saratov regional court and appeal of condemned 46-year-old Michael Cherkasin without satisfaction. He was recognized guilty of creation of the criminal ...

1.7 billion rubles of taxes collected in Zarechny in 2011

17.02.12 15:17 | Economy

Over 1.7 billion rubles of tax payments in budgets of all levels collected in Zarechny of the Penza region in 2011. Head of city Federal Tax Service Alexander Ganin informed about it during the press conference on Friday, February 17. “44 tax inspections were held for a year, therefore than 30 million rubles additional taxes ...

Housing in Penza should become more affordable, Ivan Belozertsev

17.02.12 14:37 | Society

Housing in Penza should become more affordable and there are some ways to achieve it, such as depreciation of building materials and granting of variety of preferences to diligent builders. Mayor Ivan Belozertsev informed about it during press conference.

Public organizations of Penza joined group of observers “For Fair Elections”

17.02.12 13:49 | Society

A number of public organizations of the Penza region including trade unions, “Russian Union of Veterans of Afghanistan”, funds “Public against Narcotics”, “Savyatoe Delo,” “Dobry Zhest”, “Pokrov” and also public ...

Four deputies of Legislative Assembly of Penza region awarded diplomas and badges of honor of State Duma of Russian Federation

17.02.12 12:08 | Politics

Four deputies of Legislative Assembly of the Penza region were awarded diplomas and badge of honor of State Duma of the Russian Federation for essential contribution to legislation and parliamentarism development of the Russian Federation.

Resident of Penza arrested for theft of two bottles “Martini”

17.02.12 08:31 | Incidents

The unemployed, earlier offender, 24-year-old resident of Penza was arrested on suspicion of theft two bottles “Martini” from a counter of the shopping center located in Pervomaisky district for a total sum of 1 420 rubles.

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