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Volga region MTS subscribers sent more than 35 million SMS congratulations on March 8

12:28 | 12.03.2012 | Society


Penza, 12 March 2012. PenzaNews. The leading telecommunication operator in Russia and CIS countries of Mobile TeleSystems OJSC (MTS) summed up SMS activity of subscribers in the Volga region on February 23 and March 8. MTS subscribers of the Volga region, including the Penza region, sent 17 million and 35 million sms these days accordingly.

According to specialist of the press service “MTS Povolzhye” Ekaterina Karpova, such essential difference in number of congratulations on a holiday is connected with bigger activity of women who not only receive congratulations on March 8, but also actively dispatch warm wishes this day to the relatives, girlfriends and colleagues. At the same time men send each other SMS congratulations on Day of the Defender of the Fatherland less often.

“The greatest activity in sending SMS congratulations was in Tatarstan where were 4.3 million congratulations on Day of Defender of Fatherland and 7.6 million SMS on International Women's Day,” Ekaterina Karpova specified.

She added that the load of MTS SMS center in the Volga region on February 23 and on March 8 grew in 2.5 and 5.5 times accordingly.

“A peculiar record of SMS activity was in Republic of Bashkortostan, there were 7 times more Sms on March 8 than on usual day. According to MTS, Sms is the most popular way to congratulate on holidays,” the spokeswoman underlined.

Director of MTS in the Volga region Andrey Revkov reported that the growth of load on mobile communication is traditionally observed on holidays.

“The quantity of Sms sent by MTS subscribers in the Volga region, this day exceeds usual day norm in times. Consecutive work on development of the network, the modernization of the equipment and the main channels allowed us to create the qualitative and reliable network, capable to work even in the conditions of the raised loadings that all congratulations reached addressees these days,” Andrey Revkov summarized.

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