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12 March 2012

Prices for building materials increased by 3.5% since beginning of year in Penza region

12.03.12 15:11 | Economy

The price index for building materials in the Penza region in February, 2012 in relation to January, 2012 is 102.9%, since the beginning of year it is 103.5%.

Online discussion of new skating rink project started in Penza

12.03.12 13:48 | Society

New ice palace is planned to be built in Arbeckovo micro-district in Penza region. The discussion of this project stared on the official web-site of the regional government.

Indoor soccer tournament in memoriam of Sergey Chernyshev to be held in Penza

12.03.12 13:35 | Sport

The governor Vasily Bochkarev offered to hold indoor soccer tournament in memory of chairman of the regional football federation Sergey Chernyshev.

Staff of memorial estate “Tarkhany” to restore “12 Oaks Grove”

12.03.12 13:33 | Culture

Plan of “12 Oaks Grove” restoration was worked out by State Lermontov Museum - Tarkhany Reserve in the Penza region.

Volga region MTS subscribers sent more than 35 million SMS congratulations on March 8

12.03.12 12:28 | Society

The leading telecommunication operator in Russia and CIS countries of Mobile TeleSystems OJSC (MTS) summed up SMS activity of subscribers in the Volga region on February 23 and March 8. MTS subscribers of the Volga region, including the Penza region, sent 17 million and 35 ...

250 thousand head pig-breeding complex to be constructed in Issinsky district

12.03.12 11:43 | Economy

“Penza Grain Company” plans to construct a pig-breeding complex with per 250 thousand head in Issinsky district of the Penza region.

Officials of Shemyshejsky district decided to buy “Volkswagen Tiguan”

12.03.12 09:42 | Society

The administration of Shemyshejsky district of the Penza region declared open auction on the car “Volkswagen Tiguan” or its equivalent, which cost was defined as the level of 1 134 200 rubles according to several specialized sites.

Penza took 16th place on index of opposition in Russia

12.03.12 09:24 | Politics

Penza city took 16th place in the list of 37 big cities of Russia on an index of opposition which totaled 54.21.

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