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High water peak over in Penza region

08:29 | 19.04.2012 | Society


Penza, 19 April 2012. PenzaNews. The high water peak in the Penza region, proceeding in the current year from April 10 to April 15, is over. It was declared by the chief of the regional meteorological office Valentina Nevorotova during the meeting of the city anti flood committee on Wednesday, April 18. "Soon air temperature will increase and it will rain. All rivers have flown to the west, except the Sura which finishes high water peak in the regional center," the press service of the city administration quotes Valentina Nevorotova.

High water peak over in Penza region

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The director of Federal State Enterprise "Sursky Gidrouzel" Valery Paramonov noted that the inflow in the reservoir remains high therefore dumping to the Sura makes 533 cubic meters per second.

According to him, since April 19 dumping will be reduced and reservoir filling will begin.

The head of the department for CI and ES of the city of Penza Nikolay Zavodovsky thanked all who was involved into carrying out freshet actions.

"The peak of a high water was without emergency situations thanks to that all services and divisions were in condition of constant readiness and operatively reacted to critical situations," Nikolay Zavodovsky emphasized.

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