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19 April 2012

First Islamic magazine published in Penza region

19.04.12 16:00 | Society

The Religious Board of Muslims of the Penza region plans the issue of the first Islamic magazine in the region.

1 800 thousand hectares of wood planned to plant in Penza region

19.04.12 14:51 | Society

More than 1 800 thousand hectares will be planted in the Penza region in 2012. Supplement of forestry crops is planned to carry out at the square of 2 207 thousand hectares and seed of crops at the area of 12.2 hectares.

More than 930 residents of Penza region couldn't go abroad because of debts

19.04.12 11:41 | Society

Court enforcement officers since the beginning of year temporarily limited departure out of borders of the Russian Federation to 931 residents of the Penza region having unpaid debts. From them 18 people in short terms extinguished debts.

Not less than 6 billion rubles for storm sewerage construction in Penza

19.04.12 11:02 | Society

From 6 to 8 billion rubles is required for construction of storm sewerage in Penza. Governor Vasily Bochkarev reported about it during the meeting with journalists on Wednesday, April 18.

10-year-old child hospitalized as result of dog attack in Penza region

19.04.12 09:45 | Incidents

10-year-old resident of the Gorodishchensky district of the Penza region is hospitalized as a result of dog’s attack.

High water peak over in Penza region

19.04.12 08:29 | Society

The high water peak in the Penza region, proceeding in the current year from April 10 to April 15, is over. It was declared by the chief of the regional meteorological office Valentina Nevorotova during the meeting of the city anti flood committee on Wednesday, April 18. "Soon air temperature will increase and it will rain. All ...

"Right" carry out picket "For direct elections of Penza region head"

19.04.12 08:24 | Politics

Picket "For direct elections of the head of the Penza region" initiated by the regional office of political party "Pravoye Delo" within the All-Russia action which will be held in more than twenty cities of the country, will take place in Penza, at the square in Slava Street, on Tuesday, April 24, at 12.00.

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