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PSPU students visited editorial office of news agency “PenzaNews”

12:12 | 23.04.2012 | Society


Penza, 23 April 2012. PenzaNews. Students of journalism department of Russian and literature faculty of Penza State Pedagogical University (PSPU) named after V.G. Belinsky visited editorial office of news agency PenzaNews within the discipline “History of Mass Media of Penza region” on Monday, April 23.

PSPU students visited editorial office of news agency “PenzaNews”

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During the meeting the staff of agency made an excursion for future journalists in editorial office and showed them the press center.

The editor-in-chief of news agency PenzaNews Pavel Polosin told the history of the company and the main stages of its development as media.

He drew students’ attention to specifics of reporters’ work in news agency.

Besides, guests learned in details about Analysis Center of expert and strategic information at news agency PenzaNews the experts of which, besides the main knowledge, should be able to speak foreign languages.

At the end of the meeting several students expressed interest in passage their educational practice in news agency PenzaNews.

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