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23 April 2012

More than 76 thousand residents of Penza took part in subbotnik

23.04.12 16:19 | Society

More than 76 thousand residents of Penza took part in a subbotnik (a day of unpaid work on Saturday when citizens usually clean the territory or plant trees) on April 21.

Penza student arrested for armed attack on taxi driver

23.04.12 15:28 | Incidents

Penza policemen arrested 16-year-old student on suspicion of armed attack on the taxi driver.

Babies’ crawling championship held in Zarechny

23.04.12 14:41 | Society

The city championship on babies’ crawling at 5 meter distance was held in the city of Penza region Zarechny on Saturday, April 21.

PSPU students visited editorial office of news agency “PenzaNews”

23.04.12 12:12 | Society

Students of journalism department of Russian and literature faculty of Penza State Pedagogical University (PSPU) named after V.G. Belinsky visited editorial office of news agency PenzaNews within the discipline “History of Mass Media of Penza region” on Monday, April 23.

Suspect in murder of Audi owner arrested in Penza

23.04.12 11:54 | Incidents

Officers of criminal investigation department of Office of Interior Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Penza region arrested a man who at night on April 17 tried to steal Audi-80 car near the house in Elektrichesky Proezd in Penza and then killed the owner of this vehicle.

Penza diver won silver medal of World FINA series stage

23.04.12 10:03 | Sport

Penza athlete Ilya Zakharov won a silver medal of the fourth stage of World FINA series in diving which ended in Tijuana in Mexico on Saturday, April 21.

Weather remains warm till end of April in Penza

23.04.12 09:12 | Society

Sunny warm weather which has been in Penza for a few days remains till the end of April.

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