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Babies’ crawling championship held in Zarechny

14:41 | 23.04.2012 | Society


Penza, 23 April 2012. PenzaNews. The city championship on babies’ crawling at 5 meter distance was held in the city of Penza region Zarechny on Saturday, April 21.

According to Tatyana Saltsova, the head of department of interaction with mass media of Communications Department of Zarechny this event took place in Zarechny twice. The first championship of young Zarechny athletes took place last year in autumn.

“The participants were 8–11 months old, so not all babies of Zarechny have chance to participate in autumn championship. Thus, we decided to hold Zarechny crawling championship twice a year, in spring and in autumn,” the spokeswoman explained.

Four babies took part in spring championship. Sonia Fedoseeva crawled 5 meters for 21 seconds and took the first place.

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