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News agency “PenzaNews” awarded for best media coverage of UIS activity in Internet

17:09 | 24.05.2012 | Society


Penza, 24 May 2012. PenzaNews. Executive producer of news agency PenzaNews Natalia Zykova who won All-Russia competition on the best media coverage of work of Penal Enforcement System (UIS) “Na Strazhe Poryadka” in 2011 in the nomination “The best Article of UIS Activity in the Internet” was awarded at the press center of news agency PenzaNews on Thursday, May 24.

News agency “PenzaNews” awarded for best media coverage of UIS activity in Internet

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Natalia Bystritskaya, the deputy chief of press department of FSIN of Russia presented Natalia Zykova with the diploma signed by the director of federal department Alexander Reymer and a memorable gift.

“The competition is held for 6 years. At first only federal mass media took part in the competition, but then regional mass media also started to participate actively,” said Natalia Bystritskaya.

She reported that about 180 journalistic works took part in VI competition “Na Strazhe Poryadka” which is a peculiar record.

“Previously, journalists wrote mostly about destinies of convicts, now they report about problems of UIS, about its ongoing reform, and do it in interesting and understandable language. The article of news agency PenzaNews was marked very high because it was written by the author independently, not on the basis of press releases of the press service as sometimes happens,” said the deputy chief of press department of FSIN of Russia.

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