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Number of lifeguard posts to be increased at Penza beaches

12:05 | 29.05.2012 | Society


Penza, 29 May 2012. PenzaNews. The number of lifeguard posts will be increased at beaches of the Penza region. The chief of the Head Office of Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Penza region Sergey Kozlov reported about it during the working meeting with governor Vasily Bochkarev on Tuesday, May 29.

“Lifeguard posts are created according to Russian president’s order to decrease the number of death cases at waterfronts,” explained Sergey Kozlov.

According to the spokesman, now the plan has already been developed and its realization has started.

Vasily Bochkarev charged the head of the department to check the situation concerning local governments’ attitude to the situation at the beaches in all areas of the Penza region.

“Make heads of rural and regional administrations to patrol and supervise constantly the situation at waterfronts and estimate the activity of each head of municipality in two weeks. If it’s necessary you can send all materials to prosecutor’s office,” declared the governor.

Besides, Vasily Bochkarev criticized the work of Penza city authorities concerning local beaches’ beautification.

“There are only six beaches in the city and five of them are not ready to start the swimming season,” said the head of the region and called such situation inadmissible.

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