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Penza governor demanded to enhance monitoring of children

08:05 | 14.06.2012 | Society


Penza, 14 June 2012. PenzaNews. Officials at all levels of the Penza region do not pay enough attention to children’s safety during summer holidays. The head of the region Vasily Bochkarev expressed this opinion at the video conference with heads of cities’ and districts’ administrations on Wednesday, June 13. “Children continue to die in road accidents and drown in water. These accidents occur very often in summer when they are unsupervised,” the governor said.

Penza governor demanded to enhance monitoring of children

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“Therefore, the blame for their deaths lies, first of all, with teachers, parents and officials at all levels,” said Vasily Bochkarev.

According to him, PTA meetings must be held at all schools in the region as soon as possible, during which it is necessary to explain mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, that they should monitor their children’s activity permanently.

Vasily Bochkarev also focused on healthy lifestyles, because in his opinion, many children do not lead a health life.

“Entering a school every fifth child has some health problems, and after graduation this number increases to 80% of children. So, while teachers and officials do not work at full capacity, students smoke round the corner of a school, and sometimes even drink alcohol and use drugs,” said the head of the region.

At the end of the meeting, Vasily Bochkarev instructed the vice-president of the government of the Penza region Elena Stolyarova to form a commission that would visit all the districts of the Penza region, and monitor the situation there.

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