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14 June 2012

Nordic walking festival took place in Penza

14.06.12 15:25 | Sport

The second city festival of Nordic walking took place in Olimpiyskaya Alleya in Penza on Thursday, June 14.

Public servants of Penza region trained in Samara

14.06.12 15:15 | Society

Public servants of the Penza region completed a traineeship with the state authorities of the Samara region. “The workshops of the educational program were held on June 6 and 7 on the basis of the staff of the government, the provincial council and the executive authorities of the Samara region,” informed the Deputy Staff ...

Illegal apartment blocks in Penza

14.06.12 13:01 | Society

Cases of apartment blocks’ construction on the land allocated for the individual houses, which is a significant violation of town planning and land legislation, are found in Penza. According to the words of the Deputy Head of the State Inspection in the housing and construction sectors, and for supervision of the technical ...

Public hearing on budget execution in 2011 held in Penza

14.06.12 12:54 | Economy

Public hearings on the annual budget execution report of the Penza region for 2011 will be held at the Legislative assembly of the region on June 20.

Growth of industrial production in Penza region amounted to 10,4% year to date

14.06.12 12:06 | Economy

The index of industrial production of the full range of producer organizations in the Penza region for January–May, 2012 amounted to 110, 4%. News agency PenzaNews was reported about it by the press service of Penzastat.

Income of five residents of Zarechny in 2011 made up more than half a billion rubles

14.06.12 09:51 | Economy

The income of five residents of Zarechny in the Penza region exceeded half a billion rubles in 2011. Thus, they receive more than employees of the municipal organizations, military and policemen all put together.

Moscow women’s team wins the Russian Cup in Penza

14.06.12 08:12 | Sport

Moscow women’s team won the team competition at the Russian Cup on gymnastics on Wednesday, June 13. Competitions were held in the sport palace “Burtasy” in Penza.

Penza governor demanded to enhance monitoring of children

14.06.12 08:05 | Society

Officials at all levels of the Penza region do not pay enough attention to children’s safety during summer holidays. The head of the region Vasily Bochkarev expressed this opinion at the video conference with heads of cities’ and districts’ administrations on Wednesday, June 13. “Children continue to die in ...

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