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Penza zoo opens doors on Children’s Day after renewal

15:43 | 01.06.2015 | Society


Penza, 1 June 2015. PenzaNews. The Penza zoo held a public event dedicated to the end of its repairs on Children’s Day celebrated on June 1.

Penza zoo opens doors on Children’s Day after renewal

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Among the official guests who visited the renewed zoo facilities were the acting Penza region governor Ivan Belozertsev, the head of the city Victor Kuvaytsev and the mayor Yuri Krivov, as well as the ex-governor Vasily Bochkarev.

They took part in a separate guide tour through the new utility area housing the medical facilities for the animals, as well as the new enclosures.

Ivan Belozertsev noted that the opening day of the renewed zoo is a symbolic one.

“Yes, you dallied with reconstruction for too long, but, gladly, all was done at a worthy level,” said the head of the region.

He also praised the new utility area.

“It has the ultrasound equipment for animals, which is very important. Not every zoo in a city for millions can allow such equipment. We have this, we have good freezers for animal food, a good food block. The animals are fed first-grade meat, since there should be no other way,” Ivan Belozertsev added.

He said that the zoo will continue to be improved.

In his turn, Victor Kuvaytsev pointed out that the renewed zoo already attracts the attention of the neighboring regions who take organized trips to Penza.

“We believe that the zoo will become a point of attraction where one can recharge with good emotions by getting in touch with the nature and the animals,” he said.

The repairs were financed from federal, regional and city budgets at the same time, Victor Kuvaytsev reminded.

The zoo has the potential to be among the best in Russia, said its director Elena Khassan.

“Many of our darlings – mooses, dapple deers, birds, night birds, lions – already moved to new enclosures. The tiger cell will be up soon, the cells for birds of prey are ready, and we have built a nice complex for the bear,” she clarified.

According to Elena Khassan, now the Penza zoo has the capacity to keep a giraffe, while they are constructing the enclosure for the polar bear.

“The tickets are currently priced at the same level,” she added.

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