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Penza concludes “MRSK Volga” electricians skill competition results

11:57 | 19.06.2015 | Society


Penza, 19 June 2015. PenzaNews. The skill competition for the workers of the power system protection department for “MRSK Volga,” a part of “Rosset” group, were concluded in Penza.

Penza concludes “MRSK Volga” electricians skill competition results

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The event involved the best power system protection crews from the seven branches of the company.

“After six stages, the third place on the pedestal was awarded to the team of ‘Saratovskiye raspredelitelniye seti’ branch with 605.5 points. The silver belongs to the representatives of ‘Penzaenergo’ branch, with a performance for 613 points. The judges awarded the top place to the electricians of ‘Samarskiye raspredelitelniye seti’ branch who got 679 points,” the press service of “Penzaenergo” of “MRSK Volga” informed PenzaNews agency.

The company also added that the award ceremony also saw the rewards for the youngest electrician, the most experienced worker, and the best judge group.

“The power system protection crews competition were held for the first time in 20 years under an initiative of ‘Rosseti’ and are dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War. The event aims to increase the skill level of power system protection crews in the regional power company branches, implement innovations and high-end know-hows in repair and maintenance process,” the press service added.

According to “Penzaenergo,” the competition stages are dedicated to the main lines of work for the power system protection crews. They included a quiz on rules, instructions and standards, a checkup of a 110-kV power current transformer, maintenance of microprocessing protection systems of a 10-kV cell, and an analysis of crews working to rectify detected violations.

“The winnders of the skill competition will take part in the interregional power system protection crews competition for the branches of ‘Rosseti’ in Nizhnevartovsk on July 20-24,” the company said.

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