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Victor Kuvaytsev asks youth council members remain active in summer

18:17 | 19.06.2015 | Society


Penza, 19 June 2015. PenzaNews. The Penza city head Victor Kuvaytsev thanked the members of the civil youth council to the City Duma for their frutful work in first half of 2015, and asked them to remain active in summer.

Victor Kuvaytsev asks youth council members remain active in summer

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“Speaking of plans for the future, I’d like to ask you to not only relax but find an opportunity to review the problems that are still unresolved. No doubt we must see into the workings of public transportation,” he said during the session of the civil youth council on Friday, June 19.

Victor Kuvaytsev added that the transportation traffic slightly decreased due to the end of the school year and university studies, but the dacha buses issue remains relevant.

“You have an opportunity to tell us how the transport works. We won’t go on holidays in July or August. We are always available and ready to hear our your notes to react in time,” stressed the city head.

He also asked the youth to pay more attention to children who are frequently left to themselves during the summer.

“Our main tasks is to keep the children occupied, to not leave them unattended during the day and especially the evening. We already did much for that: nearly every school has a summer camp, there are country camps, people of your age are working with the school students in the yard sports grounds. But if you see a child just rambling about now knowing what to do, or, even worse, in the company of delinquents of higher age, do let the authorities know about it, interfere, do not stay indifferent,” Victor Kuvaytsev urged.

From his point of view, the “wild” beaches that are frequently marked with tragic accidents often involving children require particular attention.

“Speaking of planned work, I believe in your success. The experience has shown – and I believe you have seen it on your own – that we try to react on all your notes. We understand that you see the issues more truthfully and speak of them openly,” concluded the city head.

Following the address, the members of the civil youth council concluded the results of their work in January-June 2015. In particular, they reviewed the work of committees on legal education, job finding and patriotic education; on social work, health protection and prevention of negative events; on education, science and education institution self-government development; on urban improvement and ecology; and on sports, recreation and hobbies for youth.

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