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Nikolai Kotov draws up Penza region APF activities results in 2015

18:50 | 10.12.2015 | Society


Penza, 10 December 2015. PenzaNews. Nikolai Kotov, co-head of the regional All-Russian People’s Front branch, regional Legislative Assembly deputy, chairman of the Penza region workers unions federation, concluded the results of APF activities in 2015 during the plenary meeting of the first regional “Action Forum” held in the Lermontov library on Thursday, December 10.

Nikolai Kotov draws up Penza region APF activities results in 2015

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According to him, over the year the activists held a large number of meetings with citizens on relevant issues for the people, together with inspections, sessions and discussions.

The growing activity of APF members was reflected by an increase in mentions of APF-supported events in regional and federal media, from 50-80 to 120-140 newspieces per month, Nikolai Kotov pointed out.

He also dwelt on the program on medical services quality and availability monitoring, implementation of the program “Accessible Environment,” the communal services control, and reminded that the head of the Center for Independent Monitoring of Fulfillment of Presidential Decrees “People’s Inspection,” paid a visit in the Penza region.

Nikolai Kotov also touched upon the roads, and pointed out that the APF activists in 2015 launched the project “Map of Life” that aims to reduce the frequency of traffic accidents.

“This initiative is designed to form civil control of how effective are the measure the regional authorities take to reduce road lethality. The activists of the regional branch in the Penza region also detect problematic road sections and analyze what must be done to reduce the number of accidents,” he said.

As a result, over 40 road sections were inspected during the October check, Nikolai Kotov pointed out.

“In Penza, APF inspection members discovered only a single road without any significant violations,” said the co-head of the regional All-Russian People’s Front branch.

Describing the achievements of the year, Nikolai Kotov highlighted the preservation of the state awards to the “ZiF” factory, and the decision to revoke certain privileges for the ex-governor.

“This happened after the activists of the People’s Front stepped forward with an initiative to standardize the retirement payments to regional officials. The People’s Front sees economy of budget funds and control over their spending as one of its objectives. The decision to revoke certain privileges for an official is a logical one in the light of budget cuts in various fields overall,” he stressed.

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