“VPenze.ru” unable to execute court decesion; settlement account arrested
Penza, 23 August 2016. PenzaNews. The bank account of LLC “Vpenza.ru” in JSC Binbank is arrested, the company is unable to comply fully with the decision and rulling of the Arbitration court of the Penza region to pay LLC VolgaInterMedia a total of more than 100 thousand roubles — the compensation for illegal use of photos owned by PenzaNews agency and the court costs incurred by the right holder.
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As Leninsky UFSSP in the Penza region informed, at present, in accordance with current legislation the bailiffs carry out measures for the complete debt recovery.
To date, they managed to transfer only 11,455.86 rubles from “Vpenze.ru” settlement account.

In May, all the property of the company — office tables, chairs, two telephones and three cabinets — was seized in the amount of 6 thousand rubles.
In June, LLC “Penza-Press,” which is the founder of the advertising and information newspaper «Pro Gorod Penza,” with a circulation of 150 thousand copies, tried to release it in court on the grounds that the property is owned by this organization and not “VPenze.ru.” However, the petition was dismissed.
Meanwhile, the bailiff paid attention to the significant detail in the study of accounting reporting of the organization. Thus, as of December 31, 2015, the receivables of LLC “Vpenze.ru” were over 800 thousand rubles, and as of May 24, 2016 — that is, the day after the visit of bailiffs to the office of the media — there was nothing left.

According to lawyers, if a large sum of money from the company account was withdrawn illegally using “shadow” schemes, for example, by a fictitious sale of the debt, then the organizers of such fraud could face prosecution.
According to information available to PenzaNews, the founders of LLC “VPenze.ru” are six individuals: Julia Kaysina (20%), Sergey Klenin (20%), Mikhail Mazurov (10%), Ilmira Musatova (10%), Maxim Solodyankin (20%) and Vladimir Suvorov (20%).
At the same time five of them are also the founders of LLC “Penza-Press:” Julia Kaysina (19%), Sergey Klenin (19%), Mikhail Mazurov (19%), Maxim Solodyankin (19%) and Vladimir Suvorov (19%). The remaining 5% of shares belong to Sergey Kononov.
LLC “VPenze.ru” and LLC “Penza-Press” are registered at the same address: Perm, Plekhanova Street, 34. The director of both organizations with a share capital of 10 thousand rubles is Ilmira Musatova.
As PenzaNews reported earlier, the day before it became known that Russia's Supreme court had put the final point in the two cases of companies LLC “VPenze.ru” and LLC “Penza-Press” on illegal use of photos owned by PenzaNews agency, the holder of which is LLC “VolgaInterMedia.”
Both cases were heard in four courts — the Arbitration court of the Penza region, the Eleventh Arbitration Appeal Court, the Court for intellectual property rights and the Supreme court of the Russian Federation — which took 1 year, 2 months and 11 days.
The companies “VPenze.ru” and “Penza-Press” were represented by Radik Musatov.